Day 2 London

Day 2 London – Another great day here in the L of H & G!


Started the day off by heading to the Tower of London and then worked my way back along the Thames (on the opposite bank from yesterday) snapping off different shots.  Switched to the Tube for another mode of transport as it got me to places quicker than the hop on hop off bus.


Found this wonderful old pub to photograph around the corner from my accom, then went to Hyde Park again to shoot the Princess Diana Memoral Fountain.  Was very well thought out and a fitting tribute to Diana.  I picked up some lunch on the run and stopped in the park to eat.  To my surprise when I looked on the fence behind my bench I had a visitor.  A squirrel just full of character wanted some food, so gave him a few cashew nuts.  I asked him to pose for the camera, so he stood up, smiled and took a bow  Just one of those rare photos you get.


Off to the centre of London tonight for some night shots.  Tomorrow they are expecting heavy rain, but at least I had London for two great days of sun and I got a lot achieved photographically.  But I will still shoot in the rain as you never know what the camera might see.