Day 4 Paris

Day 4 Paris –  Spring has definitely sprung in Paris and it showed today in a big way.  Near perfect weather as I made my way along the river past Notre Dame.  I passed work commuters, joggers and grabbed this great snap of a man walking his dog along the old coble stoned pathway.  Walking along the lower level of the river gave me a different perspective of things.  I was able to study the underneath of bridges closely and see how they were made.  Some of the decorative designs on the bridge beams (some carved from wood) must have taken very long to create so many years ago.  I eventually made my way to Jardin Des Plantes where I discovered long rows of colourful flowers that lead up to the Grand Galerie de l’Evolution.  It doesn’t matter where you turn here (even when you’re lost) there’s always something magic to see and capture photographic wise.