Day 7 Queenstown

Well, it had to happen and today was the day.  Snow!  Yes, I awoke to beautiful snow showers sprinkling across Lake Wakatipu and The Remarkables.  The whole of the town took on this magical glow.  I live in a tropical climate so experiencing snow for me is special.


After a huge breakfast I headed out to Arrowtown, about 20 minutes away from Queenstown.  Here I found early settler houses and a main street filled with incredible character.  There’s the old Chinese settlement from the gold rush days, with huts so small you WOULD hit a cat if you did swing it!  Goodness knows how they survived in those tiny huts during the snow of winter.  They made for some great photos in the snow.


In the evening I went to Queenstown’s botanical gardens and got some terrific shots around a water fountain that changed colour.


I love Queenstown so much.  There’s something about it I connect with so well.  Maybe it’s the mixture of adventure and beautiful scenery?  All I know is I feel like I’m home when here.


I think it’s time for a delicious Patagonia’s hot chocolate.  See you all tomorrow 🙂


Queenstown Gardens