Nikon D850 | Wild Horse Mountain Sunset | I’m SPEECHLESS!
I head up to Wild Horse Mountain in Queensland, Australia for a sunset with the Nikon D850. I was just not prepared (literally) for what was about to unfold before me in this sunset shoot. I did not have my usual D850 kit with me, so had to make do with the tripod and gear I had in my camera bag. Thank goodness I decided to stop and capture this. The Nikon D850 as always performed brilliantly and I’m so impressed with the dynamic range and quality the D850 produces.
Click the pic to check out the video on my YouTube channel 🙂 -
Landscape Photography | Lake Bonney Sunset | South Australia
Day 1 Cook Islands
After a long flight and arriving at 1am in Rarotunga, it was relieving to get to my accom at Muri Beach. Given the late hour, I could not resist to go down to the waters edge in front of my bungalow. I looked up to see the milky way in a bright cloudless night sky over the silhouette of a small island out in the lagoon. Pricelsss moment.
Upon waking I discovered an oasis lagoon with water so blue it was like someone had tipped coloured dye into the water. I have been blessed with beautiful weather today to get my initial shots around the Muri Beach area. Remote lttle islands lay within the lagoon so I grabbed a kayak and paddled out to do a recky for some potential shots on one of the islands. Found some great spots.
Once again luck was upon me and a group of young local children had a sailing regatta in the lagoon. Their miniature sailing boats were too cute, and boy could they go! Got some wonderful shots as they raced around the lagoon.
Such a magnificent first day and I still have all week to enjoy. Am really looking forward to it.
Sunrise and sunset shots again tomorrow. Have found some nice locations to shoot from.
I also have a new best friend in a little cat who follows me around everywhere getting under my feet hence her nickname CIC. Short for Cook Islands Cat.