Day 3 Paris
Day 3 Paris – time to do my impersonation of Ferris Bueller and spend the day off at the Musee d’Orsay. Out of all the places I have been to thus far, this is my favourite. A while ago I did certificates in Art & Design and Fine Art. I got to study the masters and today I got to see their works in person. Strolling along taking in the paintings and drawings of the likes of Van Gogh, Monet, Manet, Renoir, Degas, Cezanne and Pissaro was illuminating. All of the Musee d’Orsay was magnificent. On the second level was the restaurant with decor and furnishings so amazing you’d think you were dining with Louis the 15th himself! On the 5th level were two huge clocks from which you could look out through over most of Paris. I have some great internal shots of the place, however and understandably so, no photography was allowed near the works. I found it very difficult to drag myself away and went back twice to look at pieces. In the end I’m glad I did leave when I did because as I was crossing the river back towards the Louvre I lucked out once again. Coming along Quai des Tuileries was this kilometre long procession (3 wide) of fully uniformed horsemen, surreal! I had them all to myself to photograph 🙂 It was a stunning sunset this evening, sunrays breaking through cloud, captured all from the grounds of the Louvre, pics to come on the website.