Day 2 Venice
Day 2 Venice – Today was slightly better as it was not as crowded in Venice like yesterday. I started off by getting away from the main area and headed to the island of San Giorgio Maggiore. I went into the church there which was pretty impressive and took the lift to the belfry. From there you can get 360 degree views of Venice, got some great shots and panoramas.
After that I headed back to the main island where I saw colourful street characters and learnt that it is best to avoid the area around St Mark’s Square. It is a tourist mecca filled to the brim with Japanese and Amercian tourists/groups and Sudanese hockers with their authentic Versace $10 bags! So I headed west and that is where I saw a more “truer” interpretation of Venice. This is where the locals live, no tourists, just people going about their business hanging out washing and going to work. This is where I got better shots of canals and dwellings.
Funniest thing I saw today was when I was coming back to my hotel late in the afternoon through St Mark’s Square. There are a LOT of pidgeons there. A man was feeding a heap of them from both hands. Smiling away, he had pideons on his head, shoulders, hands and arms. His wife snapping off pics as fast as she could. Like in unison the pidgeons counted 1,2,3 – DUMP! All down his back and neck.